After jumping up a few pounds early in the week and staying there, I was not surprised that I had gained a pound this week. I am now back at that 13 pound mark that just loves me so much. The sad fact is, I didn't eat that poorly this week. Sure I had one margarita and some chips. Sure I enjoyed a few Chocolate Chip Cookies at our Saturday evening bookgroup. And yes, I had to buy some mini-halloween treats and ate a few. But I worked out eight hours this week. And this leads to weight gain? My life has become a roller-coaster of emotions regarding weight loss. I lose a few pounds I am happy, then I gain a few and am disappointed. With this wedding just five weeks away, I am thinking of taking drastic measures. The Special K diet? Boring. Starvation? Well I don't want to pass out while dancing. Perhaps good old fashion calorie restriction is the way.
Another great round of spinning tonight. Mixed with some great weight lifting afterward. Makes for a great night of workouts and a great start to the week. Begining tomorrow I am working 9-8 on Tuesdays. So this will be the day that I am most likely to skip a workout. However, now that I am in heavy training mode for my upcoming race, I am hoping to do a little running tomorrow. I am also dog-sitting, and Hannah loves to be my running partner!
1 comment:
Shouldn't you be more concerned with the way clothes fit, rather than the numbers on the scale - especially with the 8 hours you put in each week at the gym, at least some of which are muscle building? Weren't you wearing a sweater the other week that you bought last year and is now too big???? And those jeans you tried on that you didn't think would fit.... Try to keep that all in mind.
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