I have decided that I need a new workout goal, so I am going to run the Governor's Cup Race in October. This was the 5k that I did two years ago with Curtis. I have high goals for this time around. First, I will probably be running it alone, unless there are any running buddies out there wanting to sign up with me. Second, I hope to knock about 10 minutes off of my time. I will have to check, but I am pretty sure it took me 41 minutes last time, and I would be so proud of myself if I could do this next one in 31-33 minutes. However, it is just four weeks from tomorrow. No worries though; I am developing a plan. I already know that I can run three miles. And if I went out today and did it I could probably do it in 36 minutes easy. Not too long ago I did it in 32:50. I just need to work on running over and over and over. of course, this all depends on if I have that Sunday off of work. It's too late to ask for it, and too soon to know if I am scheduled. I will begin training anyway.
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