my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, April 25, 2009


If you remember at the beginning of the week I was facing several temptations this week. Here's how I did:

1) Donuts in the breakroom. I managed to skip those with no problem, after I ate lunch I read outside of the breakroom so I wouldn't be tempted. I love when the weather gets nice so I can start taking my lunch outside. It also cuts down on the number of people who come back to ask me questions when I am on my break. Unfortunately, I got frustrated later in the day and had nobody to talk to about it, which made me even more frustrated and I turned to the mini-cheesecake bites in the refrigerator. When my boss had told me about them, I immediately told myself that I could pass them up, but it turned out I couldn't. At least they were only four bites.

2) Staff training day snacks and lunch. Usually I would have skipped breakfast at home so that I had calories left over for the breakfast they provide: breads, pastries, etc... Instead this year I ate my healthily breakfast at home and then didn't bother to even look at the breakfast table at the training event. I also skipped the staff dessert tables available at lunch by telling myself that I would regret it later. I did partake in the afternoon snack of popcorn, I figured that was healthy enough. I also enjoyed a few small candy bars which I realize aren't good for you, but I was rewarding myself for the rest of the day. At lunch, I made sure to choose the smallest meal possible, with lots of veggies. I was able to keep lunch to 450 calories!

3) Not eat out until I reach the 14 pound mark. On Friday morning I happened to be down to this point. I knew I didn't want to blow it with all the weekend festivities, yet when Jennifer suggested La Paz for dinner I was ready to cave in. Then we remembered that we had wanted to try the new grilled fish options at Long Johns Silvers. They were excellent and all for 350 calories. I even had enough calories left for the day to have a small ice cream cone.

4) Cake at Elijah's birthday party. It looked yummy, but I knew it would make me happier to be lower on the scale then the 5 minutes it would talk me to eat it. And Brandy didn't pressure me to eat it. That was nice. I enjoyed one lick of frosting... 20 calories?

5) Dinner Party at Jen's House. Another successful temptation. She made some excellent Coconut Shrimp from a weight watchers cookbook. Jennifer and I brought lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. I made sure to fill up on those. And although I probably had too many pieces of cheese and could have easily skipped the dessert. I still limited my calories well and got lots of healthy vitamins and fiber from the produce!

I have to make it through one more day this week. But I am pretty sick and plan to spend Sunday sleeping the day away in my bed. That shouldn't be bad for my weight. Although I will miss my weekly long run. I was scheduled to do another 4 mile run tomorrow. Instead, I think I will do the long run on Tuesday, assuming I am better, and skip the 2 mile run for next week. I need to be ready to get up to 4.5 by next Sunday. I don't have enough weeks to be sick too long. I guess that's another reason I should skip it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are ahead of your training schedule though, so even if you only do a couple 2-3 mile runs this week and start back in next week, you'll still totally be on track. Just don't overdo it too quickly or you'll just get sicker for longer.

Good job on the healthy eating in the midst of all the potential high calorie meals and snacks.