We are eight weeks away from the end of my challenge and my weight hasn't moved since the second week. I am still stuck at 17 pounds. At least I had a great first two weeks. I am feeling bad for my co-challengers and the fact they are only one or two pounds down... or none. We're all in this together. So I want us to work together to eat healthy. No more ice cream cakes. I am 100% determined that this week I will lose two pounds. If I could just get to the 15 pound mark, I would be able to see a downhill finish line, instead of the this mountain I seem to be stuck on. However, this week is shaping up to be very stressful. I am in the process of buying a car. This is never a pleasant experience, and really is a full time job. So mixing it with the fact that I already have a full-time job and working out is my part-time job, something has to give. I took my lunch break to have the car inspected by my mechanic. I had to grab lunch somewhere close and quick. I chose Jimmy Johns, not knowing much about their menu. I figured it was close to Subway right? Wrong. My sandwich had 680 calories. That's double Subway. Luckily I did not get any chips. After work tonight I need to go make an offer on the car. I have absolutely no idea how long this will take and how emotionally tolling it will be. I hate doing things on my own. I don't want to be independent anymore. I need someone who will be there for me in these kinds of situations. It's frustrating, and depressing. But I will not turn to food. Tonight if I buy the car, I will turn to Yoga and weight lifting to celebrate, not Margaritas. And if I leave in tears because they won't work with me, I will turn to Yoga and weight lifting to
de-stress, not Margaritas. If I am there all evening, I won't have time to work out at all, and that will anger me even more. On top of all that, is the fact that Easter (and choclate bunnies) is this week. I am having family over to my house, so I have to get the house spotless. My grandma is flying back from California and will want to have dinner with me. I am celebrating a friend's birthday Friday night at a swanky wine bar. But I
will make smart choices.
I told you Jimmy Johns was worse than Subway, but I never order chips there, so I figure that makes them more even. Anyway, I agree that it's time to work hard on the challenge before we all have to give up our money to charity. I know you already are working hard, but I'm not really, so maybe my increased participation will help your progress.
How did the car buying process go?
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