Today's Running Goal: 2 miles
Accomplished: 2 miles in 22:21 (11:10 miles)
I think I ran too fast. I was gasping for breath most of the run and I kept thinking, when is this going to get easier. Well, maybe it would if I would slow down a little. Jennifer met me this morning for an early run. Chances are she won't be doing that again. She walked most of it because of this mysterious pain in her right side. But at least she was there. Truthfully I took two breaks on the run (pushing pause on my Ipod, and thus stopping the time). Once to talk to Jennifer for a few seconds and another time when I had to cross a busy rush-hour-traffic street. That was probably a 30-second pause. And I am sure that helped me be able to run a little faster. I didn't mean to do it that fast, and now I see no room for improvement in the next few weeks. A computerized lady on my Nike Chip informed me that I had set a personal record for best mile time: 10:46. I'm not sure if that was the first mile or the second. But like I said, it was too fast. Besides gasping for air, I began to feel a little nauseous as I passed Runza and could smell whatever thing they were baking that early in the morning. And now that I have been at work for two hours I still feel a little sick to my stomach. And my body seems really achy. My legs must have gotten a hard workout too. Anyway, I am going to chalk this up to being a fluke and not let it ruin my progression. It just reinforced a running mantra I already knew: slow and steady wins the race. Well, not wins, but finishes without puking!
Tonight is the first Thursday evening that I don't have to work since September. I am taking two hours of vacation to get out of it, but still, it's a night off. And to celebrate I am trying a new gym class: Butts and Guts. I'm pretty sure you can figure out what that's going to be all about. I just don't need my butts or my guts hurting tomorrow when we have our all-staff training day and I have to sit for eight hours. And give some presentation. I'll let you know how the class goes, and if I love it enough to rearrange my schedule and work Tuesday evenings instead of Thursdays this summer. I don't imagine that it is much cardio, but if it gives me a shapely derriere, it just might be worth it.
my journey to becoming a runner
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How nice of you to not mention how I hardly ran at all during our morning "run." That makes it look like I might have some athletic ability, and not like I quit after .25 miles because I didn't want to run anymore. Thanks for that.
By the way, the Havelock run is actually 1.89 miles, so I won't be running it - especially not without someone pushing me, and since you'll be busy I think I'd prefer to be there for the cheering, not the running.
I am not surprised that you ran faster. As you build up stamina in your longer runs (even though you run them slower) your time on shorter runs will be shorter because you don't have to run as long, so you tend to push yourseld harder. I don't think it's a fluke, I think you kicked ass!
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