my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I read somewhere that people consumer more calories on Super-Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year, except for Thanksgiving. I did not want to be part of that statistic. So after the party I was supposed to go to/co-host fell apart, I decided that I would sit at home and do nothing. Doing nothing equals eating like a normal human being. Then Brandy called me and said that they had nothing to do for the game either, so we decided we would watch it together, but we would ensure that the night was still relatively healthy. So I got busy making a Baked Ziti that I have been wanting to try for a while now. It will be new recipe number 3 for the 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. It came from The Biggest Loser Cookbook so it has to be a good choice for dinner. Then I also used some canned Turkey and Low-fat Velveeta to make a dip (because what's a super-bowl without the dip). Brandy is going to bring veggies and dip. So there will be nothing unhealthy served, and I will get another meal crossed off of my list. And I get to spend some time with people I don't see often enough!

To sum up my weekend workouts in one word it would be: attempting. Yesterday I was hoping to run fast one minute, walk one minute for at least a half an hour. The ten-minute-mile pace I had done last week seemed incredibly hard. So after about 10 minutes of that I was exhausted. I then let myself do some hill-walking to round out my 30 minutes. I did a round of upper-body work in the weight room. That got me set for my bridesmaid dress shopping in Omaha all afternoon. Trying on dresses makes me feel very proud of all the work I have done the last few years. All the dresses look good on me, they fit, sometimes I can even get a size 8 on. This is such good motivation and a great example of what I was trying to do. You can't imagine how great it feels to pull a dress off of the rack and know that it will look great! Now, if I could just get my calves to look good in dresses...

This afternoon I had this great idea to jog outside. I haven't been able to run down to my park since last spring. Last fall they had the trail torn out so they could add a new neighborhood and drive way and street. Finally I am reconnected to the park! However, note to self: it must be above 50 degrees to run outside. It was so cold and windy that I had to run around and come home. So I only got 25 minutes of running in. Oh well; I tried!


Jen said...

25 minuters is better than no minutes like I did today!

Anonymous said...

I have never known what it would be like to pull a dress off the rack and look good - well at least not since I was 16 or so. If whore was the look I was going for, I would be just fine, but since it isn't things are more complicated. So you've achieved the perfectly proportioned body - I didn't know that was possible - good for you!