my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Working Out Well

Although I did very little today (I have checked out the first season of Ugly Betty and am now addicted to that) I did manage to make it to the gym for an hour and a half. I also ate very well, even though I met my mom for our traditional Sunday lunch. That hour and a half took me up to seven hours of workout time this week (two weeks in a row) which I am very proud of. Working out definitely puts me in a better mood, which is something I think we all need this time of year. The fact that it is getting colder makes me cranky. The fact that it is dark by the time I get off of work makes me tired. And exercise fixes all those things.

I am determined to have a good week, even with Thanksgiving looming near. I'm going to work out extra hard (I do have a four day weekend coming up) I am going to eat very healthfully all week, just so I can allow myself to indulge on Thursday. I will let myself eat potatoes and rolls, but I am not giving into pie. I don't even like pie. Why waste my calories. Give me a left-over-turkey-sandwich instead! My goal is to still lose a pound this week even with Thanksgiving smacking itself right in the middle of my week!


Jen said...

Way to get in 7 hours of workouts in for two weeks in a row! I'm happy if I can get close to 5! Of course, I haven't even been good at keeping track lately. I can't wait to get a hard workout in Thursday morning to make up for all the good food.

Anonymous said...

I hate that it's dark when I get off work too. That makes me feel like it must be midnight and I just don't want to do anything with my evening. Maybe I should start waking up earlier and get things done with my mornings. I would like to do that, I just don't think it's possible.