my journey to becoming a runner
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
I blame Obama

Anyway, it was a great speech. I just know that Barack Obama is going to be our next President. I am thinking that I will start campaigning for him. I would really like to go door-to-door. That would give me something free to do in my evenings and would include a small workout (walking). How can you not love Obama? He believes in my ability to change the world! And that's something you all should believe in!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Money Diet
For about four days last week my weight went up a pound. Every morning was more depressing as I saw the number on the scale grow and grow and grow. But the last three days it has gone down a pound each morning. And although I don't know what is causing it, I really like it.
I took yesterday off to rest. I also was busy all evening going to the state fair. Today I have dinner plans with my mom, but I am hoping to hit the gym this evening for some cardio and weights. I am sad again today because it was suppose to be the beginning of my Thursday afternoon Combat class. I was off at 2:00 today so I could take that class, but instead I came home and ate. I had a house inspector coming to look at my house this afternoon, otherwise I would have gone to the gym anyway with my time off. Excuses, excuses.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Up and At 'Em
After work I am meeting Brandy at the gym. I love all these workout dates! I hope to do another 30 minutes of cardio, perhaps the AMT machine. Then I plan to head up to the weight room. Tonight is not the time to try the big-men's weight area, after work is always busy. I will go in there some Saturday morning when it's dead or maybe late at night with a friend. Tonight I just want to do what I did last time: 3 sets of 10 at the same weights. Maybe Saturday I will go over to Goodyear Fitness Center and see what they have to say. It's nice to think classes are within my reach.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wrong Direction

I woke up this morning to very sore calves. I am not sure what caused this since I tried several new things yesterday. It probably wasn't the hill running because I have done that before and don't remember my calves ever hurting from it. But there were a few times during the hills that I made myself pick up my knees more than usual, so perhaps that could have done it. Then there was the recumbent bike that Brandy and I used at the gym yesterday morning. I rarely used those and we actually had it working right, so it could have used my calves more than normal. My best guess is that new AMT machine. Whatever it was, I want to use it again and again. I have never found something that would wear out my calves before.
Jennifer and I had today off from work. It's lovely to have three-day weekends. And I figure the more Mondays I take vacation, the less people can call in sick. So we went for a bike ride this morning. We were gone about 40 minutes when my knee really started hurting. I think I did something to it on the first hill out of our neighborhood. I had to get off and walk a few times because it hurt to pedal. It still hurts a little even now, but I am hoping that it will go away without any problems. I would hate to hurt myself permanently on some silly bike ride.
Oh, and I meant to give a small shout-out to the weight machines. Yesterday I had muscles that were sore. My triceps and back muscles definitely got a workout in the weight room on Saturday. This gives me even more motivation to attend (punch card) classes twice a week and make myself use the weight room once a week. There are muscles that I am not using in BodyPump or at least not as much. Maybe that weight room will end up being good for me!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Hills, Take Two
Then I spent a super-high calorie day with my mom and family members. So about 7:30 I came home from that and went outside to run those hills. I did all four of them this time. I sprinted down at about 8.5 mph and walked back up. It was a total of 2 miles and it took me about 25 minutes. It's not hard to run downhill but my legs sure feel wobbly at the end and I am out of breath and sweaty. It was a beautiful evening though; a cool breeze and little humidity. I love to workout for a half an hour. When you're used to an hour long workout, 30 minutes just flies by. And when I don't have to drive to the gym it's over as soon as it starts. These kind of workouts would be a great thing to add to my morning routine. I just wish I was able to get out of bed on time as it is. Sneaking today's workouts in got me six hours this week. Even with all my depression about the classes I managed to have an alright week. Although, I ate like crap and that's why my scale seems to be moving up. I guess I will have to try harder tomorrow. Someone is going to have to remove the M&Ms from my house though!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Emergency Stop

- Shoulders- 75 pounds
- Back - 48 pounds
- Chest - 37 pounds
- Quads - 62.5 pounds
- Hamstrings - 40 pounds
- Triceps - 40 pounds
- Biceps - 25 pounds
- Reverse Back/Chest Machine - 50 pounds
Our Pump friend Mary, who is friends with the instructors says that Marika is going to teach Saturday classes (combat, pump) in Omaha. That's you Jen! I will be eager to see how you like her. I am 50% torn between her good teaching ability and her vanity. A few of the teachers are also moving over to Goodyear fitness, which is super close to my place of employment. Although I am not sure if I want to actually join (they are giving discounts to Gold's members right now) I am interested in their punch card option. For $60 you can get a 15 punch card. Then I could continue to workout at my mean gym with plenty of parking and still take a few classes each week at Goodyear. Still, if I went to classes three times a week, at $4 a time, that's $48 per month. I might as well belong to another gym for that. I could just go twice a week and take a few classes each time! I will have to check into it.
Friday, August 22, 2008
8 Week Running Plan

The plan consists of 4 running days. Tuesdays running speed intervals (what I did yesterday, going fast and then slow, eventually I will be doing more than just one minute.) Thursdays I usually have more time, so I want to do some slow running. Running books always say to schedule a nice long run, where you don't care about speed and time. Well that doesn't make sense to me, because I always care about speed and time and really no running can be classified as "nice". So instead I have a "slow" day where I run the given distance (generally more than a 5k) at any rate I wish. No pressure! On Saturdays I will work on running hills. This is an outdoor activity, so I may want to move it to a day I am not in the gym already. As I did last week, I will run down my .25 mile hill and walk/jog back up. Finally, Sunday is 5k day. I will attempt to run a 5k every Sunday, getting faster each week. I will allow myself to take breaks if necessary, but I will do the whole 3.1 miles. Of course there is also a day to do other stuff, like try out the super-cool new equipment in the gym. (That's me trying to be positive!) And there are three days of weight training that I have yet to discover! Good luck to me!
I am trying to get Jennifer to follow along. She is planning on running the 5k in Atlanta with us. She is hesitant, but I told her I would give her a star for each day she followed the plan (rest days excluded) and after ten stars, I will buy her lunch at Subway. Who can beat that? I wish someone would buy me lunch for following the plan. It's a lot cheaper for me than hiring a personal trainer though. And will probably motivate me to get to the gym more too.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Shock It to Rock It
My gym-induced-depression has impacted my working out quite a bit this week. Monday I did the last Combat class; Tuesday I did the last Pump class. I was too sad afterward to stay for any cardio. Yesterday I ended up working a twelve hour day because of sick workmates. So needless to say, I didn't make it to the gym after that. I made myself go this morning to work on running speed intervals. I did 11-minute miles for one minute and then walked one minute for 30 minutes. There were maintenance men all around me installing new equipment, so it was hard for me to hop on another machine. Also, listening to them put new machines in reminded me of how they were removing the only thing that mattered to me at the gym, which made me nauseous, and I went home after that 30 minutes on the treadmill. I wish I knew some people who would workout with me in Lincoln. I need a reason to go back to the gym. So if anyone wants to schedule some workout dates, let me know!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Heart Broken
What to do now? Jennifer and I spent hours last night researching gyms in the area. Most of them are a lot more money, which I really can't afford. But truly, I would say that money is no object. If I could get my classes back at my gym I would pay more, I would agree to pay per class, I would sign contracts. But I can't get my classes back. There are no other gyms that offer the exact thing I am used to. So I would have to switch to new instructors, new methods, 45 minute classes, a longer drive time, kids in the gym. None of that makes me happy. And besides, I have paid through next February and should really continue to get those benefits. So I think my best option now is to hire a personal trainer. I dread it. I hate to give my gym any more money for being assholes. I hate to reward them for this. And yes I plan to call the gym manager to explain my frustration. To make him realize that I will walk, and six other gym members will go with me! But that won't change his mind. It's done.
I realize that this is a dependency. I need to accept the fact that I can lose these last 17 pounds without the classes. I can run, inside and out now. I can still lift weights. I can use the new cool machines that sure as hell better be state of the art. But for the last year and a half I have done really well at losing weight and I have those classes and those instructors to thank for it. I don't think I could have done it without them. And for the most part, I am very scared right now.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Repetitious Repetitious...
These are my goals for this week:
1. Get 8 hours of sleep each night (turn off the Olympics).
2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
3. Only eat out 4 times (hey, I am trying to use the dining card).
4. Begin my 8 week running plan, which I will discuss in more detail later.
5. Write down everything I eat, and remain under 1300 calories per day.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
How to Fix a Broken Scale
Naps are my Friend

I had planned on staying for some cardio, or possibly going back this afternoon for some. But it's almost two o'clock and I am getting ready for a nap. I am sitting on my bed, with my window open and it is beautiful. The breeze is blowing in and it's shady. If this is what all of August is gonna be, sign me up! I also have to get some housekeeping things done. So it doesn't look like the gym is in my future today. It doesn't seem to matter. My scale as remained at the same number for six days. It doesn't care if I workout hardcore. It doesn't even care if I eat three cookies (which I did last night). I care though. Move dammit, move!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Summer Olympics
It seems all I do lately is watch the Olympics. They are addicting. In a car wreck kind of way. They don't inspire me. I watched starving women run a 10K tonight in under 30 minutes. Jennifer pointed out that was twice the distance we went last weekend and almost ten minutes faster. That's not inspiration. I want to see real people. I want to see real competition. Remember when Tanya Harding's posse took out Nancy Kerrigan's knee? Now that's what the Olympics are about. Rivalry. I can spend an hour watching Badminton. An hour I could be working out, but instead I sit and stare. I can't stop. I can't look away. History is being made. Someone might fall out of their canoe, or win a race by the length of a fingernail, or God-forbid, hit their head on a diving board. And I want to be watching. But I also want to be inspired. Perhaps that 41 year old swimmer who quit sports to have a family and is now back at it and is twice as old as her competitors could be my inspiration? When is she on again? And why are you allowed to be so fat when you throw a shot-put? Don't tell me that is muscle. It's fat. Those are the guys drinking beer the night before their event. Maybe that's a sport I could excel at.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Harder than it Looks
Unfortunately my workout only lasted 30 minutes this morning. And then I was hot and sweaty and just went home. I could have walked along the trail for another 30, but when I am walking outside, I hardly get a good workout. So I called it a day and went home to watch more Olympics!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Will I Ever get to Run?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Must Go More

I am not going to post my weigh in for this week. All was good on Saturday. I did not go to my high school reunion at the 9 pounds-to-go weight I had really hoped for. But I went at 10! Then Sunday it jumped. And I didn't even eat that poorly this weekend. Since then it has been pretty high. So hopefully if I just skip this week and weigh in next Monday morning everything will be back to normal.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Now I am looking ahead to running more races. I want to go see my friend Amy sometime in October. She has a new house to show off, and I am ready for a vacation. During the time we will be there her neighborhood has a festival, and as part of that event there will be a 5k run. We are so going to do it! And we all want to better our times. Amy wants to attempt to run it at 11-minute miles and I want to do the whole thing in 37 minutes. I don't know if that means running without stopping at 12-minute-miles or if I should learn to run faster so I can still take my two walk breaks. There is something mentally calming about taking the walk breaks, and since so much of running is mental, that might be what I need. I am going to develop an eight week run-faster plan. Please keep harping on me so that I don't embarrass myself in front of those Atlantan-ers.
My long weekend is finally coming to an end. All my out of town visitors have left. I go back to work tomorrow. My reunion is over! In some ways the weekend seemed to take forever. Yet, in no way am I ready to return to work. Tonight I am headed to Combat! Tomorrow I had something planned, but it appears to be cancelled. So it looks like I can make it to BodyPump after all! Good thing too, because I hate when my routine is interrupted.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Yay, We did the 5k
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I Couldn't Run Today
Yesterday I made it to BodyPump and got an hour of cardio in before that. Boy let me tell you, it makes it a lot harder to do Pump after I have done an entire hour of cardio. And of course I did Comabt on Monday, which is always tough. So I think my Body was just saying it needed a break. Hopefully this is good enough!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Not Quite There

Sunday, August 3, 2008
It's Official
I had a great workout day today. I woke up early enough to do Combat at home. I made it through about 45 minutes of the class, then I was so tired I skipped ahead to abs, thinking I would finish up after I caught my breath. I never did; finish that is, I did eventually catch my breath. Then after lunch Jennifer and I went to the gym so she could try to run 3.1 miles. She has never run that far in her life. But she is a fast learner, and she did just fine. We ran the first mile at 5.0 mph. Then we walked/ran the next two miles and then sprinted the last .1o mile at 6.5 mph. I didn't feel like I pushed myself a lot, but I did have both ovaries hurting at one point. I think I ate too much for lunch and then ran too soon afterwards. It took us 41 minutes that way, about a 13 minute mile. That's the speed I did last fall, and I really want to do better this time around. We might have to try to walk less, or run faster. Either way, I figure the crowd will push us. I think we will want to give it one more trial run on Wednesday or Thursday.
I only got six hours of workout time in this week. The weather has been so hot, and I have been pretty busy. I did earn 3 more points in my CWE, taking me up to 20. I only have to get 10 more before the end of August. I should be able to handle that! I have a great week coming up. I work a half-day on Wednesday and then I have a 4-day weekend. This should allow me to get plenty of working out done. Also, my out of town friends are coming back for our reunion, so we should be having some fun times. Hopefully the working out can make up for the fun-ness!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Cool at the Pool

Then we spent the afternoon at the City Pool. I haven't been to a public pool since I was about thirteen years old. I was expecting the worst, but it actually wasn't too bad. I thought that it would be packed, but there was plenty of room. We spent almost 5 hours there and the pinkness of my shoulders proves it. I just hope it turns into a tan and not some pealing mess. It only cost $4.50; it was well worth it
Tomorrow Jennifer and I are going to hit the gym in the the afternoon to do some running. She wants to see if she's capable of running a 5k and I would like to try it again. This time I might let myself run faster and then let myself walk parts of it. We'll see what I can do to keep it interesting. I am also planning on getting up and doing Combat in my living room before I go to lunch with my mom. What a great way to start the day!
Friday, August 1, 2008
So Manny Memories
Speaking of baseball, I went to a Saltdogs game with my dad tonight. It was my father's day gift to him. He had never been to a game; he rarely comes to Lincoln. I was worried that eating stadium food would ruin my already shameful week. Turns out, a hot dog and popcorn isn't too bad for me. Mixed with a healthy Subway lunch, I stayed right at my 1200 calories for the day. I even skipped the cookie Jennifer tried to seduce me with! Lately my morning weigh-in has been looking good and therefore motivating. I won't say what it is, because it always goes up on the weekend, but I'm gonna try real hard to keep it there.