my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Carrying On

Well, it's time I got back on track. I have taken a week off of exercise (and life). I did manage to attend my two BodyPump classes last week. But I couldn't make myself go in to do any cardio -- too much time to think. It's hard to clear your mind when you're trying to run two miles or eliptisize for an hour. As I have told many of you, I do not intend on running that 5k at the end of March any longer. Many of you agreed to run it with me -- but it will just bring up too many emotions. This does not mean all my workout goals are over. I still have weight loss goals, and in time I do plan on making some more running goals.

Because I was house-sitting and dog-sitting for my mom, I missed my Monday morning weigh in. I went ahead and weighed in this morning instead. With much disappointment, I was only down a pound. So, now I have 14 weeks left, and 28 pounds -- which is right at the 2 pounds/week requirement. I was hoping to be a bit farther along than this, especially after my good effort the first week. But, it wasn't in my plan to have a personal melt down either, so I guess I can't fault myself.

Last night Jennifer and I spent an hour going through my old clothes and boxing them up to give to goodwill. We stopped when we got to 5 boxes of clothing they can haul away when they drive their trcuk by my house next Wednesday. I was really proud that I got rid of that much stuff... and really surprised that I had that much clothing crammed into my bedroom to begin with. Among the clothing was a pair of short-alls that I wore in my senior picture (hey they were really cool back then!). That picture was taken almost 11 years ago! I tried them on last night and THEY FIT! They may even have been too big; I don't remember the overall fitting system. What a great feeling; I can still wear the clothes I wore in highschool! I am keeping them as a gauge.


Erin said...

I'm so proud of you for "carrying on"! Good for you for making it to your two BodyPump classes last week, even in an emotional haze. Keep up the good work and you'll make all your goals.

And way to go cleaning out your closets too! I think you should post your senior picture of you in those short-alls. And maybe one of you in them now! :)

Erin said...

And I've been wondering what the proper verb was for working out on the elliptical machine. "Ellipticizing" is perfect! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

even though my comment may have been harsh, it seems to have worked - maybe it was just the push you needed. by the way, it wasn't meant to be harsh.

Jen said...

Do you watch TV while you run? I do... if I didn't I would go crazy with boredom and thinking too much. I've also ran imagining I'm running over the faces of those I don't like to get out aggression... Ooh, maybe a Body Combat class would be good? Or maybe you don't have as much aggression as me... Any way, keep up the hard work... I know you can do it.

BrandyGirl said...

I will be there Saturday morning for Body Pump. See you there! Us girls still need to get together for drinks and/or dinner sometime real soon.

Karrie said...

Wow! 5 comments in less than 24 hours! Thanks for all the support girls. I couldn't do it without you!