my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Personal Melt-Down

I am currently having a personal melt-down. I have not been very good at working out. And truthfully I have hardly eaten in the last few days. I will update once I am past this. Until then please keep me in your thoughts!


BrandyGirl said...

You can do it girl! I know you can. I know how it's one day at a time and don't get down on yourself when you have a minor "setback".

Erin said...

Hang in there! Call me when you work out again.

And check out my new blog!

Anonymous said...

Come on, I know you've worked out in the last week.... I've even worked out since this last entry - when are you going to start blogging again?

Karrie said...

that's kind of a harsh comment when I am going through a melt-down... give me time, I am working on something!