my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is Anybody There?

So it has been two weeks since anyone has even commented on my blog. I understand that Jen is super busy planning her wedding so she is excused. But where is everybody else. Does anyone even read this blog anymore. And if not, what do I keep writing it for? I guess myself. And that will have to be good enough. I do love to be able to look back a year from today and see how far I have come (or not come for that matter).

Today I wore my heels for Jen's wedding most of the day (well maybe six hours) because I have been trying to break them in. I feel like I got quite a workout. Not only were my calves being worked all day, it seemed like walking in general was so much more difficult. I think I might have just found a super-fashionable leg-sculpting exercise. I took the evening off from working out. I had to go to my mom's house and I ended up staying there for a while. I didn't have my running shoes with me so I couldn't even take Hannah for a walk. That's okay. I think my body needs one more day to recover from this illness.


Jen said...

I do read every new post! Right now I am trying to keep my eyes open until I make it to bed... Dug up irises and got them ready as favors. Still have about 25 to finish though... one more day of work! Yay!

Unknown said...

I didn't realize you started writing again - you took a break and I knew you had one since then that I read, but then I didn't check again until today. Now that I know you are updating again, I will be sure to check more regularly

Karrie said...

Thanks for reading! That's all that really matters.