my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Disappointments All Around

  • Erin texted to say that she wouldn't be meeting me at spinning. Hey, she wasn't feeling well, so I don't blame her. Still a disappointment.
  • I made myself go to the class anyway, ALONE.
  • There was a note on the door of the gym that Spinning class is cancelled today. So I went with the backup plan: kickboxing.
  • Steven announced that Mary was going to be late again, and he would warm us up.
  • He did a bunch of stupid things that none of us were used to.
  • And he corrected our form... on the warm up. How can I be toe tapping wrong?
  • Mary still wasn't there after 15 minutes.
  • Steven pretended to do Kickboxing, but he has the wrong music and the wrong moves and it was worthless.
  • Mary still wasn't there after 20 minutes.
  • Steven makes us go into the gym and run laps.
  • For a long time.
  • Mary still isn't there after 30 minutes.
  • Steven (who teaches butts and guts) has us do these ass-toners on the exercise ball. It burns a lot. Wait, maybe that isn't a disappointment!
  • Mary still isn't there after 35 minutes.
  • Steven doesn't know what else to do with us. So we all agree to go do our own cardio on the machines.
  • I do 15 minutes of biking on my own. I am sweating, but only because Goodyear has no air-conditioning.
  • I go back in at 6:15 to set up for Body Power and Mary still isn't there. I contemplate leaving, because I don't want to waste another hour of my life.
  • Finally Mary walks in at the last second. Relief all around. I push myself extra hard in BodyPower because I am not worn out from the first class, and because I will not be able to make it on Wednesday. I do all of my maximum weights and lunges on the bench! Only a disappointment to my muscles.
  • All while Jennifer and Hannah are shopping and eating at La Paz without me. What I sacrifice for fitness!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least you got to try on shoes and play cards with us after the gym - and don't forget that you made a yummy crock pot dinner. Seems like the gym was the only disappointment - maybe you should have gone to your other gym.