Recently I have been wanting new running shoes. Or perhaps running shoes is too narrow of request. I just want new gym shoes. My running shoes are still newish. I have run about 150 miles in them, and I have read the running shoes should last 300-400 miles. Luckily my Nike plus account keeps track of how many miles I have gone in those shoes. My "regular" gym shoes, the ones I wear for kickboxing and weight lifting and walking on the treadmill, now those are going on 1.5 years old. And even though I love them, and they might be the best athletic shoes I have ever owned, and Curtis bought them for me, it might be time to get a new pair. Still, I have about 2 pairs of gym shoes in my closet that are perfectly fine, and I really should wear out a little before I get a new pair. And I don't have any money to spend on new shoes. (Remember the budget diet? It's going well, but it's very restrictive.) So lately I have developed shoe lust. I am in love with all running shoes. Everywhere I go I look at what shoes people are wearing and am jealous of them. The gym is a horrible place to have shoe lust because most people have expensive, beautifully white shoes. But now it has transferred over to normal people on the street or customers at work. I see people with great shoes, and I want to say: where did you get those? Where can I get a great pair like that? I like all althletic shoes, even shoes that I would never buy for myself end up looking great on other people. Here's a little something I wrote to let my feelings out...
An Ode to Shoes
Shoes, staring at me, wanting to go home with me.
So many pairs, squeaky new.
Without scuffs, without scars.
Helping me run faster; jump higher; kick harder.
Giving me a reason to get out the door; out of bed; to the gym.
Making me happy every time I look down.
Staring from other people's feet; mocking my foot size; my income; my desire.
Complementing my perfect feet; my toes; my outfit.
Oh how I love shoes!
Why must you hate me; taunt me; love me so?
my journey to becoming a runner
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sleeping? Check!
I read a lot of articles in health magazines (generally directed at busy working moms) that say getting eight hours of sleep each night is one of (if not the) best thing to do for weight loss and weight maintenance. People go as far as to ask: if I have to give up my workout or my sleep, which should I choose? And the answer is usually the workout. So I have always been really proud of myself for my ability to get eight hours of sleep. I love that I can fall asleep right away every night. I love that my body wakes me up after eight hours. I love that I am refreshed and never have to take a nap, unless of course it is for enjoyment (which is reason enough!) But lately I haven't been sleeping well. And it's not because I am stressed out at work, and it's not because I am too hot or cold. It's because I have started to watch way too much tv. I don't have time to watch regular television, like other people, between the hours of 7 and 9pm. So I have begun watching shows online. Shows I never really loved before. Shows I might have watched if I had nothing better to do. But now I am watching every episode, completely. Sometimes all in one night. It's something I can start at 10:30pm (when all the good shows are over) and stop at 12:30 or 1:30 or one time this week 2:30. I have a problem. I need to stop. I need to sleep. It all ends here!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What is this? Step Class?
I was feeling a little down about kickboxing/power last night because I always end up going alone. And although I enjoy working out and realize that I don't need anyone to go with me, it's hard to go to two hours of gym time alone when I had the whole day off and didn't talk to anyone there either. It's a solitary existence that I live. But anyway, I made myself go by reminding myself how much I loved kickboxing and how disappointed I would be if I let myself skip one session. The first thing Katie asked us is: How many of you have been eating Halloween candy this week? Well I haven't been, because I don't buy chocolate, I don't crave chocolate, just Doritos. But lots of people nodded their heads and complained about how they couldn't leave it alone and how they were going to have to buy a new bag before the trick-or-treaters came by on Friday. (I just thought about how I want to go to a vineyard on Friday and get drunk...) Then Katie said she had a special surprise for us the last 15 minutes of class, to really get those Halloween candies blasted off of our body. Great. I do not like surprises. Turns out, we used the step (with a riser) to do some sort of lame kickboxing/step class routine. I don't do step class. I don't do peppy cheerleading crap. I don't hurl my body over an unstable bench with my arms in the air. I don't lift my knees unless they are crushing someone's skull in. Needless to say, the surprise was bad. And it made me want to go buy a bag of Halloween candy. I won't even go into the part where we laid on the bench (like a bodyboard) and fluttered our legs and arms and then jumped up like we were surfing. And then did about 100 squats.
When it was time for Body Power, I was in an even worse mood and not feeling like staying. But then Erin's friend Lisa came in. (My friend Lisa I should say.) Boy that made me happy. It's not like we really talked at all. But it was nice to see a friendly face and have someone stand beside me. Nobody really likes me at the new gym. Or maybe it's me who doesn't really like anyone else. So I didn't increase my squat weight like I had previously planned (see note above regarding 100 squats on surfboard type step). I stayed high on everything else and I sure can feel it today.
I had planned on going running this evening at the gym. But I had to meet my mom and aunt for dinner. Then we sat around chatting. Now it is 8:30 and I haven't gone yet. I am thinking I will give myself a break today. Besides, I still haven't eaten any Halloween candy this year!
When it was time for Body Power, I was in an even worse mood and not feeling like staying. But then Erin's friend Lisa came in. (My friend Lisa I should say.) Boy that made me happy. It's not like we really talked at all. But it was nice to see a friendly face and have someone stand beside me. Nobody really likes me at the new gym. Or maybe it's me who doesn't really like anyone else. So I didn't increase my squat weight like I had previously planned (see note above regarding 100 squats on surfboard type step). I stayed high on everything else and I sure can feel it today.
I had planned on going running this evening at the gym. But I had to meet my mom and aunt for dinner. Then we sat around chatting. Now it is 8:30 and I haven't gone yet. I am thinking I will give myself a break today. Besides, I still haven't eaten any Halloween candy this year!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Busy Weekend
Well my weekend was full of visiting relatives and family time and working all day both Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately it was not full of working out and eating healthy. Yesterday afternoon I decided that I was done with this losing weight crap. First, I have been trying to lose 17 pounds forever, so obviously those 17 pounds must be pretty fond of me. Second, I can not afford new clothes right now, so what would I do if I lost 17 pounds and had to buy more pants. Third, I am just so tired of resrticting myself and there was this bag of Doritos that were staring at me, that I just had to have. Rarely do I have cravings like this. Sometimes I crave Chinese food or chocolate but it's more like an idea that passes. Never do I find my body requiring the intake of Doritos, RIGHT THIS MINUTE. So I gave in. I promised myself I would run it off later. But later, I found my body requiring my couch and the world series. So I gave in. And guess what... I was two pounds lighter this morning. Sometimes I just need to relax. Maybe I can eat Doritos sometimes, and just sit around once in a while and still be okay.
I have today off of work, since I worked all weekend. Yay, a four day week! I am torn about having Monday's off. I really like to work out hard on my days off, but today I have to wait around for my kickboxing/pump classes this evening. I would have taken those anyway, so I'm not doing any special working out today. However, Monday is the worst day at work. It seems to be the busiest and the most people call in sick, so it's just as well that I am not there. I spent my day going through my drawers and closets. I am trying to fill two boxes to give to goodwill. I've got one full so far. It has been a fun afternoon trying on pants and realizing how far I have come. I've also realized that I have more pants than shirts. This is an interesting problem. I am not quite sure what I am going to wear all winter.
I have today off of work, since I worked all weekend. Yay, a four day week! I am torn about having Monday's off. I really like to work out hard on my days off, but today I have to wait around for my kickboxing/pump classes this evening. I would have taken those anyway, so I'm not doing any special working out today. However, Monday is the worst day at work. It seems to be the busiest and the most people call in sick, so it's just as well that I am not there. I spent my day going through my drawers and closets. I am trying to fill two boxes to give to goodwill. I've got one full so far. It has been a fun afternoon trying on pants and realizing how far I have come. I've also realized that I have more pants than shirts. This is an interesting problem. I am not quite sure what I am going to wear all winter.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pizza Should Help
Today's Running Goal: 2.25 miles at 5.0mph
Completed: 1 mile (maybe!)
Failure again. It wasn't hot in the gym. I wasn't tired from working all day. I didn't have music or headphone issues. I just had no hope of pushing through. The idea of running 27 minutes really daunted me. Even after 10 minutes, seventeen more was way too many to conquer. So I let myself quit. Then I walked uphill for a while. I even threw in a few minute-runs up the incline. But I had to leave the gym after about 30 minutes because I thought I had lunch plans at noon. My uncle and his friend from California are in town visiting and we are supposed to go to Valentino's for lunch. Because all out-of-towners love pizza. Turns out that it is now 12:30 and I am still waiting to hear when they will be in town and I'll be able to eat. You know what my biggest pet-peeve is? And I mean BIGGEST!? Catering my life around someone else's time-table only to have them disappoint me. For instance: I got out of bed, made myself go to the gym, cut my workout short, only to get home and wait around for the the plan-makers to change the plans. I could have stayed at the gym for a whole hour, or slept longer, or eaten breakfast, or something. Ugh!!!
Completed: 1 mile (maybe!)
Failure again. It wasn't hot in the gym. I wasn't tired from working all day. I didn't have music or headphone issues. I just had no hope of pushing through. The idea of running 27 minutes really daunted me. Even after 10 minutes, seventeen more was way too many to conquer. So I let myself quit. Then I walked uphill for a while. I even threw in a few minute-runs up the incline. But I had to leave the gym after about 30 minutes because I thought I had lunch plans at noon. My uncle and his friend from California are in town visiting and we are supposed to go to Valentino's for lunch. Because all out-of-towners love pizza. Turns out that it is now 12:30 and I am still waiting to hear when they will be in town and I'll be able to eat. You know what my biggest pet-peeve is? And I mean BIGGEST!? Catering my life around someone else's time-table only to have them disappoint me. For instance: I got out of bed, made myself go to the gym, cut my workout short, only to get home and wait around for the the plan-makers to change the plans. I could have stayed at the gym for a whole hour, or slept longer, or eaten breakfast, or something. Ugh!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Is Work Making Me Fat?
Work has been stressful this week. There seems to be nobody working but me. My boss calls in sick all the time and I have worked alone a lot. After three hours alone this morning, I was in a bad mood when Marcy came in. I had a quick lunch with Jennifer in which I got a salad at Burger King and was too exhausted to complain when they gave me breaded chicken instead of grilled (180 extra calories). Still, I was calmed down and ready to work hard this afternoon. About 3:00 Marcy went on her break and came back with a Hershey chocolate bar for me. How sweet! And full of calories. But I enjoyed it. Now I have eaten way too many calories for the day. But I have tomorrow off of work. So I probably won't have to quit!
Stress = Fat
+ Candy Bars = Fat
Work = Fat
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Who Will You Root For?
I suppose I have to go for the Tampa Bay Rays. Partly because they are an American league team; partly because they beat the Redsox; but mostly because they are young and have never won and probably don't get paid much. And there's nothing I love more than a team that plays for the love of the game. Although if things go as they have been for me, whoever I choose to root for is going to lose.
Speaking of the love of the game, I went to kickboxing and body power again tonight. I had set a goal to move my weights up tonight. I thought that I should be able to use the same weights I had been using in August. I wasn't too sore on Tuesday, so I figure it's time to increase. The problem was, I was exhausted after kickboxing, so the idea of increasing my squat weight almost made me cry. I wanted to go home, but I made myself stay. At least I was there. So I increased my chest and shoulder and tricep weight, and will leave the squats for next time. Body Power is definitely different when done dripping in sweat. And I wonder: will I ever do it dry again?
You know what's better than having two hours done on Monday? Having five hours of workout time over with by Wednesday night. This is a great plan! I will take Thursdays off (the whole ten hour work day thing) and get back to the gym on Friday and Sunday. YAY, this might be the first week I get seven hours done, in months!
Speaking of the love of the game, I went to kickboxing and body power again tonight. I had set a goal to move my weights up tonight. I thought that I should be able to use the same weights I had been using in August. I wasn't too sore on Tuesday, so I figure it's time to increase. The problem was, I was exhausted after kickboxing, so the idea of increasing my squat weight almost made me cry. I wanted to go home, but I made myself stay. At least I was there. So I increased my chest and shoulder and tricep weight, and will leave the squats for next time. Body Power is definitely different when done dripping in sweat. And I wonder: will I ever do it dry again?
You know what's better than having two hours done on Monday? Having five hours of workout time over with by Wednesday night. This is a great plan! I will take Thursdays off (the whole ten hour work day thing) and get back to the gym on Friday and Sunday. YAY, this might be the first week I get seven hours done, in months!
The List
In the last year I have...
1) Learned to Kickbox and love it.
2) Run two more 5ks; one in which I started late and the other in which I finished late.
3) Had my fitness classes removed from existence and had to find them back.
4) Bought some super-cute running shoes; and have since put a hole in the toe.
5) Learned to use an ATM machine.
6) Attended my 10 year High School Reunion at my lowest weight of all time.
7) Eaten/complained about a lot of cake.
8) Almost cut off my toe at Hy-Vee, which really would have hindered my running career.
9) Bought a new bike, only to find out that the bike doesn't make it easier to get up a hill.
10) Ran in California.
11) Ran in Georgia.
12) Attempted to do pilates only to discover I have no powerhouse.
13) Re-introduced myself to the girl's weight room at the gym.
14) Been given a stair-machine for my house, although it has yet to be delivered.
15) Discovered a beautiful running trail right by my dad's house.
16) Taught my mom's dog to run three miles.
17) Lost some weight and at least a clothing size.
18) Lost some other things that were important to me as well.
19) Been forced to be the strongest I have ever been.
20) Discovered that sometimes surviving is good enough!
1) Learned to Kickbox and love it.
2) Run two more 5ks; one in which I started late and the other in which I finished late.
3) Had my fitness classes removed from existence and had to find them back.
4) Bought some super-cute running shoes; and have since put a hole in the toe.
5) Learned to use an ATM machine.
6) Attended my 10 year High School Reunion at my lowest weight of all time.
7) Eaten/complained about a lot of cake.
8) Almost cut off my toe at Hy-Vee, which really would have hindered my running career.
9) Bought a new bike, only to find out that the bike doesn't make it easier to get up a hill.
10) Ran in California.
11) Ran in Georgia.
12) Attempted to do pilates only to discover I have no powerhouse.
13) Re-introduced myself to the girl's weight room at the gym.
14) Been given a stair-machine for my house, although it has yet to be delivered.
15) Discovered a beautiful running trail right by my dad's house.
16) Taught my mom's dog to run three miles.
17) Lost some weight and at least a clothing size.
18) Lost some other things that were important to me as well.
19) Been forced to be the strongest I have ever been.
20) Discovered that sometimes surviving is good enough!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
One Year Ago Today

Now it is one year later... and how oh so far I have come. If I was in a more optimistic mood right now I would list those accomplishments here. But as it is, I have been in a funk lately and will just leave it at that. Which brings me to...
Today's Running Goal: Practice 5k at 5.1 mph plus walk breaks
Completed: 2.5k and then nothing
I failed. I had several problems with my run and the least of these were the fact that it was 110 degrees in the gym. So after I ran the first half and took my first walking break I just could not start again. So I let myself quit. The strangest thing is that I had done this run before. This was no faster or longer than I had run in the past. What went wrong? Then I biked for a while which was also difficult and sweat-inducing. Then I went home and celebrated with a warm mug of cocoa!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Two a Good Start

What I love the most is getting two hours of workouts done in just the first day of the week. There is no better start than that!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Always a Bridesmaid

Today's Running Goal: 2 miles at 5.0mph (12:00 miles)
Completed: 2 miles in 23:28 (11:44 miles)
Before I started I thought that this run would be really easy. I mean, I had been running 17 minutes non-stop at 5.2 last week, so I thought that slowing down would mean I could go a lot longer. But I was tired 10 minutes in. The gym was really warm, and I was dripping with sweat as soon as I started. Even though the goal was just two miles, I had thought to myself, what if I took a little walk break at two miles and then ran until I got to three or four. That never happened. I was exhausted at the two mile mark. But that's okay because that was the goal. Now I know my ten week plan to run 4.5 miles is spot on. I ran the first 1.75 miles at the 5.0 pace and then sprinted the end. Jen had mentioned that she got faster by sprinting at the end each time, so I am going to keep adding that to each of my runs. I also started my upper-body weight lifting plan for 20 minutes today. Perhaps having a body-goal will keep me from fretting about the number on the scale so much.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I forgot to believe

Tonight was the first time in a long while that I have been to the gym and didn't run. Well, I mean to Gold's, because of course I do other things when I go for the classes. This evening I walked hills for 45 minutes and then I went over to the bikes for 45. I got a good workout on both. I have been pretty sore all day from Body Power yesterday. So any walking or biking felt like I was working really hard. Now I am happy for the Red Sox win, happy because I got 90 minutes of sweat-time in and am wrapped up in my electric blanket!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
That's Hot
I left here last week and it was beautiful fall weather. I packed fall clothes for Atlanta (jeans and t-shirts) and sometimes I was too hot there. Amy even had her air conditioning running. But every day I checked the Lincoln weather and you guys were enjoying temperatures in the 70s as well. Then I spend Tuesday in a car, only to get out during winter. What happened? Where did fall go? I was so chilly today that I turned on my heat. Then this evening I just could not warm up, so I went searching for my electric blanket. I hate being cold. I dread this 6 month period where I seem to never be able to warm up. This is just one more reason I love the gym. This is my one time per day that I can thaw out. For one hour (or two in tonight's case) I sweat and drip and am finally warm. And never for once do I wish I was cooler, because warmth is all I wish for the other 23 hours of the day. I love the gym!
Back to Good
The good news is: I only gained three pounds while on vacation. And if you would have seen all the crap we shoved in our faces, you'd be amazed too. How come vacations always revolve around eating? And imagine a sixteen hour car ride. You eat even though you aren't hungry. It's just what there is to do between listening to books on CD, filling up the gas tank, reading magazines, and sleeping. And besides that 5k, I didn't do any exercising in Atlanta. Amy's gym cost $10 per guest, which was just ridiculous. And though I wanted to go running in this beautiful park across the street from Amy's house, my non-running friends (Jennifer and Amy) quickly put the kibosh on that idea. The bad news is: I still have seventeen pounds that I would like to lose and it just seems impossible. Have I been at seventeen pounds for like five months now or what?
So now that my vacation is over, it is time for me to get back on track. I am excited to get back to body power this evening. I haven't actually developed a routine since the classes got back to normal. I am ready to get my muscles in peek shape and not be sore all the time. I have also made a new running plan. It's a ten-week plan that leads right up to Christmas. (Don't fret ladies, but Christmas is just ten weeks away.) Basically I will be continuing my 5k runs twice a week increasing the running speed each week, but still allowing me to take two walk breaks. Another time each week I am going to work on distance instead, and running further each time. By Christmas I should be able to do 4.5 miles without stopping (slowly) and run a 5k in record time (34 minutes?). The problem is I have nothing to train for and that makes me sad. There's nothing like a goal to get me excited. But anything more than ten weeks away is too long-term for me.
So now that my vacation is over, it is time for me to get back on track. I am excited to get back to body power this evening. I haven't actually developed a routine since the classes got back to normal. I am ready to get my muscles in peek shape and not be sore all the time. I have also made a new running plan. It's a ten-week plan that leads right up to Christmas. (Don't fret ladies, but Christmas is just ten weeks away.) Basically I will be continuing my 5k runs twice a week increasing the running speed each week, but still allowing me to take two walk breaks. Another time each week I am going to work on distance instead, and running further each time. By Christmas I should be able to do 4.5 miles without stopping (slowly) and run a 5k in record time (34 minutes?). The problem is I have nothing to train for and that makes me sad. There's nothing like a goal to get me excited. But anything more than ten weeks away is too long-term for me.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Back Home
We made it home. We started driving this morning at 8:00am (that's 7:00am here) and just pulled into my driveway at about midnight. It is good to be back in my bed, with my own shower and my own belongings. Not that Amy's house and couch weren't great places to spend the week. It's just nice to be home. I can't wait to get back to the gym tomorrow -- kickboxing and bodypower. I don't have to work tomorrow (we weren't sure we'd make it back in one day) so I have some time to unpack and get back on schedule. I need to spend some time finding a new race to work on, and making some new running goals. That last one was so disappointing that I need to prove some stuff to myself real soon.
Here are some pictures from our 5k day. It sucks to not have an "audience" on race day, so nobody took my picture while running or crossing the finish line.
Here are some pictures from our 5k day. It sucks to not have an "audience" on race day, so nobody took my picture while running or crossing the finish line.
After the Race
Yummy Atlanta Treats
(The reason we had to run.)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Worst Thing Ever
I was prepared for this. I had an eight-week training plan. I only missed ten training days, and a lot of that had to do with the fact they took my weight class away two weeks in. Even if I couldn't make the 37 minutes which was my goal, I knew that I would beat my last time of 39:50. I knew I could do this. I slept well. I ate a banana. I was at the starting line when the "go" was announced. Then I met the Atlanta hills. I couldn't do them. I basically collapsed under them. They were too steep to run down, definitely too steep to run up. I had to walk way more than usual. I wanted to cry. My final time was 40:10. That's horrible. The first time I ever ran a 5k I did it in 41 minutes. I feel like I shouldn't have even bothered. I am hugely disappointed. On an uplifting note: even the fasted guy ran it in 18 something -- three minutes slower than the fastest guy in Lincoln ran our last race. Therefore the fact that I was three minutes slower as well, means at least I can handle the hills as well as the fastest guy! Photos will come, once I get to my own computer!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Road Trip

That's us! Except we aren't in a green car. And we had enough room in the trunk to put all of our stuff. (Hey, no junk in the truck jokes please!) We are busy driving through the following states: Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennesee and Georgia. We are not working out. We are sitting on our asses, eating gas station food and drinks. Hope you all are doing well!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Last Try
Today's Running Goal: Last Practice 5k at 5.2 mph (11:30 minute miles) + walking breaks + sprint to the finish line.
What I did: 5k in 37:46 (12:10 minute miles)
I had a lot of nervous energy today because I was anticipating my vacation. On the other hand I worked really hard at work (two people called in sick) and I had a lot to get ready before I left. Still, I was determined to accomplish this running goal, because it was the last chance I would have to practice. I understand that running that fast once is not going to make it any easier to run that fast in the long-term. The idea is more about pacing. If I know that I have run that fast (just once) and made it to the end, then I will know on race day that I can push myself that much. Otherwise, I will let myself slow down because I will be worried about making it to the end. Even though I accomplished my goal today, it just isn't fast enough. I am pretty sure I won't be able to shave 46 second off of my time even with the momentum of the race. I was pushing myself super-hard. And I sprinted faster than I ever have in my life to try and come in under 37 minutes. It was more difficult than normal because I haven't run in almost two weeks. My cold kept me from getting to the gym late last week. And this week I have only taken classes. Still, I know that 45 minutes of kick-ass kickboxing teaches my lungs to hold oxygen just as well as running. And the weight lifting has to be helping my leg muscles to push off harder. If I just had about three more weeks, I might have been able to do it. Or if I could convince myself (and Jennifer) that we didn't need the two walking breaks. But, oh how I do.
I am getting nervous, and getting antsy to leave. I guess I'd better pack. I will keep you guys updated. They do have Internet in Georgia right?
What I did: 5k in 37:46 (12:10 minute miles)
I had a lot of nervous energy today because I was anticipating my vacation. On the other hand I worked really hard at work (two people called in sick) and I had a lot to get ready before I left. Still, I was determined to accomplish this running goal, because it was the last chance I would have to practice. I understand that running that fast once is not going to make it any easier to run that fast in the long-term. The idea is more about pacing. If I know that I have run that fast (just once) and made it to the end, then I will know on race day that I can push myself that much. Otherwise, I will let myself slow down because I will be worried about making it to the end. Even though I accomplished my goal today, it just isn't fast enough. I am pretty sure I won't be able to shave 46 second off of my time even with the momentum of the race. I was pushing myself super-hard. And I sprinted faster than I ever have in my life to try and come in under 37 minutes. It was more difficult than normal because I haven't run in almost two weeks. My cold kept me from getting to the gym late last week. And this week I have only taken classes. Still, I know that 45 minutes of kick-ass kickboxing teaches my lungs to hold oxygen just as well as running. And the weight lifting has to be helping my leg muscles to push off harder. If I just had about three more weeks, I might have been able to do it. Or if I could convince myself (and Jennifer) that we didn't need the two walking breaks. But, oh how I do.
I am getting nervous, and getting antsy to leave. I guess I'd better pack. I will keep you guys updated. They do have Internet in Georgia right?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I Was Gonna
I was gonna go to the gym at 7:00 until it turned out I had to work this evening for Marcy who went home ill.
I was gonna watch the Biggest Loser while I ran until it was already over.
I was gonna make myself go to the gym after work anyway until I remembered that Elijah was stopping by Jennifer's house to sell me boy scout popcorn.
I was gonna do my laundry and get packed for my trip until I didn't end up getting home until after 10pm.
I was gonna eat cereal for dinner until Jennifer offered me cheesecake.
I was gonna recalibrate my IPod so it is perfect for Saturday's race until I never made it to the gym.
I was gonna go to bed early so I could get to the gym tomorrow morning until I got online.
I was gonna do everything perfectly until I realized that life happens and you have to go with the flow.
I was gonna watch the Biggest Loser while I ran until it was already over.
I was gonna make myself go to the gym after work anyway until I remembered that Elijah was stopping by Jennifer's house to sell me boy scout popcorn.
I was gonna do my laundry and get packed for my trip until I didn't end up getting home until after 10pm.
I was gonna eat cereal for dinner until Jennifer offered me cheesecake.
I was gonna recalibrate my IPod so it is perfect for Saturday's race until I never made it to the gym.
I was gonna go to bed early so I could get to the gym tomorrow morning until I got online.
I was gonna do everything perfectly until I realized that life happens and you have to go with the flow.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Let me give you a run down of my weight during the last 48 hours. First, I gained a couple of pounds during my time at my mother's house. I blame the pizza, cookies and Macaroni and Cheese she left for me to eat. So...
Saturday morning weigh-in: 14 pounds
I spend Saturday looking for wedding dresses with Jen. We ate lunch at a little restaurant, where I try to be healthy and eat a Black Bean Burger. No Cheese! I do have cheese soup as my side dish, but that can't be worse than french fries right? Saturday evening we go to Ryan's friend's house to watch the game. After eating cereal for dinner, I snack on a little chips and dip and a few little smokies. I enjoy one alcoholic beverage, just to coat my sore throat. On top of all this I drink about 700 oz. of water all day.
Sunday morning weigh-in: 18 pounds
What? I gained four pounds in one day. Jennifer reminds me that I had so much water in my system that I was "sloshing" on Saturday. I assume this would pass through me, but possibly not. Water mixing with the few chips I ate Saturday evening might pack on pounds. I eat a grilled chicken sandwich and salad from Wendy's for lunch.
Sunday afternoon weigh-in: 20 pounds
I am so frustrated that I go to a Wedding Reception Open House with Jennifer to check out what they offer. I drink two cups of apple cider (its yummy and coats my throat). I sample the free diet Pepsi (that passes inspection). I try out the free food (meatballs, little smokies) and cake (three bites) and mints. I also sample the large chocolate fountain and a few things that go along with it (marshmallows, strawberries, rice krispie bars). I am fed up with this silly number on the scale. I go try on new jeans at the mall. I can fit into a size smaller. I am super-excited. I don't buy them though, I can't afford it.
Sunday night weigh-in: 17 pounds
Cake, chocolate, mints, cider and meatballs are good for weight loss!
Monday morning weigh-in: 17 pounds
My scale always goes down over night. But not today. Today it sticks. It mocks me. It reminds me that it is in control, not me. Well, it can't wear smaller jeans!
Monday afternoon weigh-in: 14 pounds
I came home from work sick. I ate breakfast at 9 and then had lunch (pizza) at 11:30. Again, that has encouraged weight loss. But here I am back where I started. And very confused.
Saturday morning weigh-in: 14 pounds
I spend Saturday looking for wedding dresses with Jen. We ate lunch at a little restaurant, where I try to be healthy and eat a Black Bean Burger. No Cheese! I do have cheese soup as my side dish, but that can't be worse than french fries right? Saturday evening we go to Ryan's friend's house to watch the game. After eating cereal for dinner, I snack on a little chips and dip and a few little smokies. I enjoy one alcoholic beverage, just to coat my sore throat. On top of all this I drink about 700 oz. of water all day.
Sunday morning weigh-in: 18 pounds
What? I gained four pounds in one day. Jennifer reminds me that I had so much water in my system that I was "sloshing" on Saturday. I assume this would pass through me, but possibly not. Water mixing with the few chips I ate Saturday evening might pack on pounds. I eat a grilled chicken sandwich and salad from Wendy's for lunch.
Sunday afternoon weigh-in: 20 pounds
I am so frustrated that I go to a Wedding Reception Open House with Jennifer to check out what they offer. I drink two cups of apple cider (its yummy and coats my throat). I sample the free diet Pepsi (that passes inspection). I try out the free food (meatballs, little smokies) and cake (three bites) and mints. I also sample the large chocolate fountain and a few things that go along with it (marshmallows, strawberries, rice krispie bars). I am fed up with this silly number on the scale. I go try on new jeans at the mall. I can fit into a size smaller. I am super-excited. I don't buy them though, I can't afford it.
Sunday night weigh-in: 17 pounds
Cake, chocolate, mints, cider and meatballs are good for weight loss!
Monday morning weigh-in: 17 pounds
My scale always goes down over night. But not today. Today it sticks. It mocks me. It reminds me that it is in control, not me. Well, it can't wear smaller jeans!
Monday afternoon weigh-in: 14 pounds
I came home from work sick. I ate breakfast at 9 and then had lunch (pizza) at 11:30. Again, that has encouraged weight loss. But here I am back where I started. And very confused.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Then I got Sick
I will always refer to this period on my training log as the week when I got sick. Everything was going smashingly. But my sore throat took over my weekend. Well, my sore throat and my other obligations. But those other obligations wore me out so much that I didn't have time to recover from my sore throat, let alone workout. So I haven't hit the gym since last Wednesday. I managed to workout 4 hours in that Monday - Wednesday period, and then nothing. And I am still sick. I have managed to find throat numbing cough drops, so it's manageable. But somehow my neck has become super tired (from holding up my head) and I have become exhausted. Basically, I am sick. But in denial. So I continue going about my day and I will go to work tomorrow, because that is what I do.
Now I have one week. Well actually, I have two days to finish my training for this race. Monday I will attend kickboxing and BodyPower. Tuesday I will attempt to run my last practice 5k at 11:30 mile pace. And Wednesday I will leave town. I have worked so hard. I just hope it was worth something. And I hope this week of rest doesn't ruin anything.
Now I have one week. Well actually, I have two days to finish my training for this race. Monday I will attend kickboxing and BodyPower. Tuesday I will attempt to run my last practice 5k at 11:30 mile pace. And Wednesday I will leave town. I have worked so hard. I just hope it was worth something. And I hope this week of rest doesn't ruin anything.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Body Aches
I have been sore for almost two weeks now. It's getting pretty old. I am not so sore that I can't look for books on the bottom shelf. But I a can still feel every muscle I used. I am just in a state of soreness. The day after I lift weights my soreness is almost equivalent to the body aches you get the day before (or after) you catch a cold. So the fact that I have felt like I was getting a cold for the last 9 days, is really irritating me. Then last night I was really cold. I even turned the heat on in my mom's house. This morning I woke up with a sore throat. I can't get sick. I hate being sick. I haven't been sick in a long time. I have a busy next couple of days planned. Tonight was my first book group at the library. Tomorrow evening we are having a Baby Shower for a girl from work. Saturday I am going to Omaha to help Jen shop for Wedding Dresses. I am excited about the Missouri Game we are playing on Saturday evening (my two Alma-maters!) and Sunday I am going to some open house wedding thing with Jennifer. Busy Busy. No time to be sick. Must sleep now...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Knock Out
From here on out, I will be getting off at 5:00 on Mondays and Wednesdays so I can attend the Kickboxing/BodyPower combo (from here on out known as the Knock Out). It is super difficult. Marika teaches the kickboxing class on Wednesdays and for some reason I expected it to be a little easier than Katie's class (Marika never taught Combat at Gold's) and a little more Combat like (with the deep-breathing-cool-down periods). But it wasn't. It was harder. Now the reasons it was harder could be threefold: 1) I forgot to bring a water bottle. It's hard enough to breathe in kickboxing, try not drinking. 2) I wasn't sure I was actually taking both classes, so I only packed pants to wear; I have explained the problem with pants in previous posts. 3) I was so so so sore from BodyPower on Monday. I could barely get out of my chair at work. I had told myself (and by that I mean: Erin had told me) that working out would make it feel better, but I was just worn out all around. But even though I was so exhausted after kickboxing, I made myself stay for BodyPower. It really helps that I have to pay $4 to get in. It makes you think about getting every penny worth of your workout. I just wish they had weights before cardio. Then after all that work, I went home and ate Cocoa Krispies; two bowls. What a way to celebrate!
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