Work sucked today. For a million reasons: it was super busy, I worked with someone who was absolutely no help, I had a million things to get done that didn't involve checking in books, the city council may or may not want to shut us down, people want me to do something about it, I wish I could do something about it, if I could just get all these damn books checked in! But it didn't ruin my day. After work I had to get to my mom's house, let the dog out, eat dinner, and get to the gym in about an hours time. The Biggest Loser was only an hour thanks for
Obama's speech (although I'd listen to him talk on most occasions... it's a close tie with Jillian Michaels) But no, it was a great day. And why? Yesterday I emailed the supervisor of group fitness classes at Goodyear. I expressed an interest in her adding a Saturday
BodyPower class,
because it has been six months now since I was even given the option of taking weight lifting classes three days a week. And because our
BodyPower class is always full and we run out of weights. And if you
remember right, the first time Erin, Jennifer and I took the
BodyPower class there were only 8 people in class (and we were three of them). So I had lots of ammunition and reasons she should consider adding a weekend session. Today, just 18 hours after I emailed her, she responded: YES. She has been thinking about this and now that a new Gold's teacher has joined the bunch she is going to get her going on this Saturday morning class. And she's going to start it in March. I am
definitely joining this gym. And it's not just because she added the class, or that she has great instructors and realizes it. I love this new gym because she knows what is most important: her customers. She thanked me for the suggestion, said she loves hearing from those of us that take the classes, and hopes to hear from me more. And coming from a gym that is more interested in getting bigger numbers than happy campers, I
appreciate that. I feel like I can take on the world. Maybe I will start with the Lincoln City Council!
What I can't take on is 4 miles. I made it to the gym for
The Biggest Loser part I and ran during the show. I let myself walk the commercial breaks. It felt pretty easy, because I wasn't concentrating on how far I had to go or how much time I had left. I was just focused on Bob and his team, and how he cried tonight. Still, in 55 minutes, I only managed to get four miles done. That's only good if I was walking. Still, it was a fine workout... just makes me nervous about the 4 miles I have to get in by Sunday.